Michael R. Salazar
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : SA523913000 (AZ)

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Michael R. Salazar
Real Estate Agents
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Overall professionalism
About Michael R. Salazar
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Buyer representation
  • Concierge real estate
  • Condos & townhomes
  • First time home buyers
  • Foreclosures (buyer representation)
  • Foreclosures (seller representation)
  • Investment properties
  • Land buyer representation
  • Land seller representation
  • Landlord representation
  • Luxury properties
  • New construction buyer representation
  • New construction seller representation
  • Probate properties
  • Relocation
  • Seller representation
  • Short sales
  • Waterfront properties

My Bio

Michael R. Salazar is a highly respected real estate professional with RE/MAX, known for his unwavering character, integrity, and masterful problem-solving abilities. With over 22 years of experience, Michael has built a reputation as a trusted advisor and skilled negotiator, consistently delivering exceptional results to his clients. Michael Strives to provide the every on on h is clients with the utmost care and unparalleled customer service and satisfaction.

Michael’s commitment to ethical and transparent business practices is evident in every interaction he has with his clients. He understands that buying or selling a home is one of the most significant financial transactions that many people will ever make, and he takes this responsibility seriously. Michael’s clients appreciate his honesty, straightforwardness, and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure their success.

As a master problem solver, Michael excels at navigating even the most complex real estate transactions. He has a keen eye for detail and is skilled at identifying and addressing potential issues before they become problems. Michael’s strategic approach to real estate has enabled him to achieve exceptional results for his clients, even in challenging market conditions.

Michael specializes in the luxury, relocation, and specialty property markets, leveraging his extensive knowledge and experience to guide his clients through every step of the buying or selling process. His expertise in the luxury market enables him to seamlessly handle even the most intricate transactions, while his deep knowledge of the relocation market ensures that clients moving to or from the area receive comprehensive support throughout the entire process. Michael’s experience with specialty properties, including historic homes and equestrian estates, allows him to expertly navigate the unique challenges of buying or selling these types of properties.

Michael’s dedication to his clients, combined with his exceptional character, integrity, and masterful problem-solving abilities, make him an invaluable asset to anyone looking to buy or sell in the area. Contact him today to learn how he can help you achieve your real estate dreams while delivering a stress-free and enjoyable experience.

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Local expertise
Negotiation skills
Communication skills
Overall professionalism
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Property buying

Home buying


Military relocation

Residential relocation

Concierge real estate services

Concierge real estate services

Property rentals

Finding rental houses and apartments

Property selling

Full service home selling

No service found.

Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR®)

Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)

Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI)


Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource (SFR®)


Buyer's agent

Concierge real estate agent

Condo & townhome realtor

First time home buyers agent

Foreclosure/REO buyers agent

Foreclosure/REO listing agent

Investment property realtor

Land buying agent

Land sales realtor

Rental/lease listing agent

Luxury/high end real estate agent

New construction buyers agent

New construction sales agent

Probate real estate agent

Relocation realtor

Listing agent

Short sale realtor

Waterfront properties agent

No specialty found.
Press & Media

Looking for exceptional service that exceeds your expectations? Meet Michael Salazar - the luxury real estate agent of choice for discerning buyers and sellers. With 23 years of experience in the high-end market, Michael Salazar boasts unmatched expertise in identifying and showcasing exquisite properties. W
What are the Buyer's responsibilities in the transaction?

Investigate and inspect the property.
Reasonably consider the age and overall condition of the home.
Take an active role, ask questions.
Exercise reasonable care to protect yourself
Verify verbal statements. Get them in writing.
Review the Seller's Property Disclosure Statement, paying particular attention to
the date prepared and to questions answered "unknown" or left unanswered.
Hire a professional home inspector and attend the inspection
Be aware of all contractual obligations

How much is my home worth?

The value of your home is determined by a variety of factors, including its location, size, condition, and recent sales of similar properties in the area. A realtor can conduct a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help determine the fair market value of your home.

What is the role of the Buyer's Realtor?

Find properties that meet your needs.
Assist in answering your questions or direct you to other sources for answers.
Prepare the purchase contract according to your instructions. Submit all offers and
counteroffers promptly.
Coordinate inspections and walk-throughs.
Promptly communicate the status of your transaction while in escrow.

How long will it take to sell my home?

The amount of time it takes to sell a home can vary depending on factors such as the local real estate market, the condition of your home, and your asking price. A realtor can provide insights into market conditions and recommend pricing and marketing strategies to help sell your home as quickly as possible.

What should I do to prepare my home for sale?

Before listing your home, it's important to make sure it's in good condition and presented in the best possible light. This may involve making repairs, de-cluttering and staging, and deep cleaning. Michael Salazar can provide recommendations on what specific steps you should take to make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

How do I know if a home is a good investment?

How much should I offer on a home?

The amount to offer on a home will depend on various factors, including the asking price, the condition of the property, and the local real estate market. Michael Salazar can provide a comparative market analysis to help you determine a fair offer price based on recent sales of similar properties in the area. Additionally, they can provide guidance on negotiating strategies to help you secure the best possible deal.

What should the buyer do to investigate and inspect the property?

Tell your Realtor what is important to you. Michael Salazar can either answer your
questions or direct you to other sources that can.
Verify all important information from any source (e.g., MLS information, advertising,
etc.) that could affect whether you would buy the property or how much you
would pay for it.
Check nearby property uses.
Conduct the necessary inspections. At a minimum, your inspection of the property
should include: the roof, structural integrity, heating and cooling systems,
termites or other pests, electrical and plumbing, waste disposal, square footage and
property lines.
Conduct a final walk-through to verify that the property is in substantially the same
condition as it was at acceptance and that all requested repairs, if any, have
been satisfactorily completed.

Michael R. Salazar
Lic.# : SA523913000 (AZ)
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