Property Bridge Solutions, LLC
Real Estate Investors

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Property Bridge Solutions, LLC
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About Property Bridge Solutions, LLC
Year Founded


Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is a family-owned business located in Omaha, NE. It was founded on the idea to give people a way out of a situation where their options are very limited.

Most people have a dream of owning a home, but that dream can become a nightmare when finances get tight, the ability to stay on top of maintenance dwindles, and/or you were handed down a house that you want nothing to do with.

These are just some examples where we offer a solution to get you out of the situation you don’t want to be in. What we offer is the flexibility to have different options to help you move on into the future without the headache holding you back.

Interview with Property Bridge Solutions, LLC
Where did the idea to start the company come from?

I have owned rental homes since 2016. I have seen people in situations where they have nowhere to turn if they are in a situation where they need to sell a house. Not everyone is in a situation where they can call a relator, have them list the house and take the time, energy and money to sell the house. We saw this need where my partners and I were in a position to be able to buy a problem house for someone who wanted to get rid of it and get rid of it fast. So, we started Property Bridge Solutions as a business that gives another option to people who need to sell their house the unconventional way for unconventional reasons.

What challenges have you overcome to get where you are now and how?

I would say marketing is our biggest challenge. It seems like there are so many people out there looking to invest in real estate. Our biggest challenge is getting our business name out there and getting people to understand what we do. I think sometimes real estate investors can have a poor image where people see them as a business that preys on people in difficult situations. As a homebuyer, my goal is to get the word out that we are here to help people get out of those situations where a burden home is causing hardship. Like I said earlier, not everyone is in a situation where they can sell their house the conventional way. We are here to offer an alternative that may or may not benefit them. Being a business, we have to make a profit. So are we going to buy a house and pay what other comparable houses in the same neighborhood are getting? Of course not, we are going to pay you what your house is worth in it's current condition. What people don't realize is that, when someone goes to sell their house with a realtor, they typically spend time and money getting their house in tip-top shape. Well, we want to buy a house before that and save the time and money for the seller, so we become responsible for getting that house in tip-top shape.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

We have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau. We have several recommendations that can be found on google.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

I think when I meet with someone in a financial situation where they have nowhere to turn, and we have the ability to help them out is satisfying. Growing up, I come from a large family, and we had our own financial hardships that we as a family went through. So, I can somewhat identify what people are going through. I find it satisfying to be able to offer a solution for people to get out from under a burden and move forward with that burden in their past. I can be proud knowing we helped someone out.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

We like to talk to the seller to find out why they are selling. If we think we can help them, we want to and tell them why and how we can help them. But, if we think they would be better off going a different route, we want to make sure and advise them of that and why. We don't see ourselves as salespeople. We are not here to sell them on something. We want to educate them on what we do and how, what we do, can help them. Every situation is different. For example, we closed on a property where the seller was in chapter 13 bankruptcy and the sale process was going to be a bit more complicated. The seller wanted to rent back the house after the closing because he was not sure where to move next. We offered a rent back to him where we will own the house and he can rent it back for as long as he wants. we had an agreement where his rent was included in the purchase price of the house and if he was to leave early, that money would be paid back to him on a prorated basis. If he wanted to extend the lease period, he was aware that whatever term he was looking for, we needed to be prepaid the rent before signing the lease. That is an example how we work with people in difficult financial situations to help them get back on their feet and move forward. That is how our company name came about where we offer them a bridge from owning a burden property and moving forward to property that is not so overwhelming for them.

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