3 Step Home Sale
Real Estate Investors

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3 Step Home Sale
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About 3 Step Home Sale
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3 Step Home Sale is a leading family-owned cash home buyer and residential investment firm that offers a range of services to property sellers, including covering out-of-pocket expenses, handling probate work, attorney fees, foreclosure prevention, property repairs, relocation services, and more.

We help homeowners who need to sell their house quickly get a fair cash offer and close in 7-21 days. We take care of all legal work, closings costs, and provide flexible terms to help homeowners liquidate property quickly.

Interview with 3 Step Home Sale
Where did the idea to start the company come from?

We realized from personal experience in 2008 that most cash buyers gave this industry a bad name. From bait and switch offers to undisclosed hidden costs to pushy sales folks - there was nothing genuine or special about working with most cash buyers. Hence 3 Step Home Sale was born as our national brand in 2020.

What challenges have you overcome to get where you are now and how?

Every real estate transaction is unique and has different challenges. Scaling a business to account for case by case challenges is difficult. It requires specialized skills and people to fit those roles. Training our staff has been the most rewarding yet most difficult role in the company. We continue to double down on training in order to grow our brand and serve more homeowners across the country.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

Investor of the Year - Real Investors 2016 in Washington DC Region. Bought 162 houses in 2022. DMV Deal Makers - Started the largest DC Metro Region Investor's Association in 2016. Today, we have 8300+ members.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

2020 when we started buying houses beyond Virginia, Maryland, and DC. In 2022, 90% of the homes we bought were more than 100 miles from our headquarter office in Falls Church City, VA. That was a profound moment since most real estate investors usually think of investing only in their backyard. We were clouded by that same vision from 2008 to 2020.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

Extensive experience with a wide range of situations: 15+ years in the industry helped well over 1000+ homeowners. We offer several options for selling your home fast. Some of which pay out way more than what a cash offer would. In-house transaction coordination team so that our offers actually close. 100+ 5 star reviews on google showing our best in class customer service. 97% of our offers actually close VS in our industry, 50% of cash buyers end up not performing. With a Class A Builder License for over 10 years we are able to evaluate the renovation scope of work accurately for any project. We don't just put things under contract and hope it works out. We do extensive review in the office using our expertise of design and estimation. We can close extremely quickly in as little as 7 days using internal private funding sources that we have developed over the last 15 years.

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