Brandy Gargis
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 0097969 (AL)

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Brandy Gargis
Real Estate Agents
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About Brandy Gargis
Years of Experience
  • Buyer representation
  • Exclusive buyers services
  • First time home buyers
  • Land seller representation
  • Luxury properties
  • New construction buyer representation
  • New construction seller representation
  • Probate properties
  • Relocation
  • Rural property
  • Seller representation
  • Seniors
  • Waterfront properties

My Bio

I began real estate in 2011. The market was not yet on the road to recovery from the 2008 recession in my area. I believed that learning to be successful in a down market was the key to being successful in real estate. So far, that philosophy has proven to be true. While the first few years were difficult, they were also chock full of invaluable learning experiences. In 2015 I made the switch to a new RE/MAX office in the area. This new environment was a game changer. Emphasis was placed on the importance of serving others, not "selling" them. This philosophy extended past just my clients and into serving my colleagues and local Realtor Association as well. I began committee work in 2016 and was named Chairman of a committee for the first time in 2018 and have since chaired many committees. In 2019 I was named Top Producer at my RE/MAX brokerage. That same year I was asked by my colleages to run for a position on the Board of Directors of our Realtor Association. I agreed to run, but with one condition. I would not campaign. I did not want to be elected based on how many people I could convince to vote for me. I wanted to be elected only if I had earned the trust and respect of my peers through the interactions I had already had with them. I was elected to a 3 year term set to begin January 1st, 2020. Of course no one knew that the world would be experiencing a crisis in just a few short months. Although I was brand new to this Board of Directors I still had a huge responsibility in front of me. I did not have time to "learn the ropes" so I jumped in head first. Real estate agents were declared "necessary workers", interest rates bottomed out, and the real estate market took off like a rocket into outer space. But......offices were closed, restraunts were closed, even gas stations were pay at the pump only. Our BOD was faced with having to support and lead this Association of Realtors with limited staff who were working from home without the tools they typically had access too while also continuing to run our own personal real estate businesses. I also had a 4th grader who needed a teacher because schools closed down for Spring Break and never reopened! What could I do other than embrace the challenge and forge ahead? Quitting on the people who had so much trust and faith in me was not an option. Letting my daughter fall behind in school was not an option. Leaving my clients without the service they have come to trust wasn't an option. I should mention that I had a personal goal to get my Broker's License in my 10th year of real estate.....and I was 2 months away from begging my 10th year. I wasn't willing to shortchage anyone else in my life nor was I willing to shortchange myself. I worked, HARD, through what can only be described as a blurr in 2020 and the first half of 2021. By June 1st of that year I had clocked more hours in the Board Room than I ever thought possible, sold mor homes than ever before, my RE/MAX Brokerage was #1, my daughter recieved multiple awards in school including having the Highest GPA in her grade for BOTH 4th and 5th grade, and I had my Broker's License. While that would be a good way to end, that was really just my beginning....

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Negotiation skills
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Military relocation

Residential relocation

Concierge real estate services

Concierge real estate services

Property selling

Full service home selling

Property buying

Home buying

No service found.

Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI)


Buyer's agent

Exclusive buyers agent

First time home buyers agent

Land sales realtor

Luxury/high end real estate agent

New construction buyers agent

New construction sales agent

Probate real estate agent

Relocation realtor

Rural real estate agent

Listing agent

Seniors agent

Waterfront properties agent

No specialty found.
Brandy Gargis
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 0097969 (AL)
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