Jacquelyn Davison
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 6501436738 (MI)

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Jacquelyn Davison
Real Estate Agents
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About Jacquelyn Davison
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Buyer representation
  • Exclusive buyers services
  • Farms
  • First time home buyers
  • Investment properties
  • Land buyer representation
  • Land seller representation
  • Luxury properties
  • Mobile/manufactured homes
  • New construction buyer representation
  • New construction seller representation
  • Relocation
  • Rural property
  • Seller representation
  • Waterfront properties

My Bio

Uniquely Empowered with a Passion to Provide Exemplary Service to All
With many years of experience in both the food and beverage sector and automotive sales, Jacquelyn KNOWS how to anticipate and exceed the service expectations of her clients and community. Whether first time home buyers or experienced investors, Jacquelyn listens, learns and delivers. Just some of the valuable qualities from over 15 years as a caring service provider to both business clients and organizations like Habitat for Humanity, her church and the Humane Society, include:
- Award winning sales volume and service recipient.
- Upbeat, high-energy and an honest appreciation for the different needs of clients.
- An entrepreneurial, hard-working spirit who is unquestionably honest with a strong detail orientation.
- An awareness of solutions and resource providers to help buyers and sellers assess the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of a wide-span of properties.
- Sensitivity to budgets, deadlines and the importance of managing complex multi-step processes.
- Strong negotiation skills with a win / win attitude.
- A commitment to help others in need... whether two-handed or four pawed!
A Fully Qualified, Well-Rounded, Local Market Expert
Having lived in a number of Mid-Michigan communities including North, South, East and West Lansing, Holt, Bath, Eagle and Eaton Rapids, Jacquelyn KNOWS Mid-Michigan and has an appreciation of why some clients prefer quieter, more rural settings and why others enjoy the activity and options of busier communities. This local market knowledge empowers Jacquelyn's ability to help her clients find just the right property or sell their home as rapidly as is possible for the highest possible price.
- Confident, compassionate and hard-working, Jacquelyn is a busy mom who knows the importance of listening to clients to learn their wants and needs and communicate as often as preferred in the way clients wish.
- Having personally contributed to a significant home remodel, Jacquelyn can help buyers see the potential in a home and has a nice array of professional resource connections of great value to both buyers and sellers.
- With hobbies and interests spanning a love of dogs to traveling, treasure searching, hunting, fishing and enjoying craft beer and wine, Jacquelyn is well-rounded and can relate to the diverse needs of clients.
Innovative, Effective and Results Oriented
As a successful businesswoman, Jacquelyn knows the importance of doing what it takes to get the job done. Sensitive to ever-changing technologies and emerging ways of doing business, Jacquelyn employs a number of creative and effective strategies and innovative tactics to help exceed the expectations of her buyers and sellers. Just some examples of innovative and meaningful tactics used by Jacquelyn include:
- Investing in search engine optimization on Realtor.com, Zillow & Trulia to push his listings to the top of online search results.
- Providing twice monthly "Golden Ruler" web activity reports to monitor online activity and effectively price and promote properties.
- Communicating consistently, clearly and honestly in the method and frequency desired by buyers and sellers to keep them informed and aware of process steps, opportunities and challenges.
- Creatively describing properties in detail with multiple photos including unique features, upgrades, improvements and community / neighborhood amenities.
- Employing Facebook, Instagram and other social media outlets to promote or find properties.
Backed by the Century 21 Affiliated Team: As part of the world's most recognized real estate brand with over 7,000 offices and 1 million agents, Jacquelyn partners with an award-winning, highly experienced real estate team. Supported by a strong administrative team, technical and marketing experts and a host of niche market specialists, Jacquelyn has the backing and training needed to ensure her clients receive world-class service.

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Negotiation skills
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Property buying

Home buying

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Buyer's agent

Exclusive buyers agent

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Investment property realtor

Land buying agent

Land sales realtor

Luxury/high end real estate agent

Mobile/manufactured home realtor

New construction buyers agent

New construction sales agent

Relocation realtor

Rural real estate agent

Listing agent

Waterfront properties agent

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Jacquelyn Davison
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 6501436738 (MI)
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