Jared Tye
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 0713620 (TX)

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Jared Tye
Real Estate Agents
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About Jared Tye
Years of Experience

My Bio

We specialize in helping sellers get top dollar for their homes. This can be very tricky in today's market. When you have dozens of people who want your home, deciding which buyers to pursue and negotiating the absolute best terms in the contract are imperative. We work hard to identify strongest potential buyers, negotiate top price and eliminate "outs" in the contract which could be risky for seller. We also specialize in helping buyers relocate from other areas! I worked in mortgage for 12 years before moving to real estate, and our buyer specialists Jose, Patty and Melanie are absolutely fantastic!

Interview with Jared
What did you do before becoming a real estate agent?

I started as a mortgage loan officer in 2006. After over a decade of doing this, I was ready for a new challenge.

How did you decide to get into the industry?

In 2018 I became a licensed Realtor, and I have really enjoyed the journey.

Have you ever faced any challenges in your current business?

The big challenge for sellers is making sure you get the absolute best contract possible for your home, without "outs" that allow the buyer to renegotiate on the back end. The challenge for buyers is limited inventory. We work very hard to get the best contract for sellers, and we work very hard to help buyers win contracts despite multiple offers from competing buyers. Sometimes we are able to get our buyers' offers accepted even if they aren't the highest offers!

How many brokerages have you worked with so far?

I have only worked with two!

What were the pros and cons of each brokerage you worked with?

I started with a small brokerage which was very affordable and had great people. I wanted to go somewhere with more training and exposure though, and Keller Williams has been fantastic.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

Top Individual Agent - Keller Williams McKinney Best Of Dallas North Texas Real Producers Keller Williams Rookie Of The Year (when I was new)

What has the proudest moment of your career been so far?

We were able to win a contract for a buyer moving here from out of state, about a month ago. There ended up being at least 3 other offers which were much higher than ours. We were thrilled to win the contract for this sweet buyer, despite the competition!

What technology do you use in your business process to improve your customers’ experience?

I am a frequent user of my CRM (client relationship manager). With a good number of active clients at any time, my CRM helps me stay on top of the business and the needs of our clients.

How important do you think getting good online reviews is?

Obtaining client testimonials is crucial! Anyone can speak highly of themselves, however feedback from the actual client is far more valuable.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

We have a great network built with other agents in the area. This helps us be very effective when negotiating for our clients. My mortgage background also creates a competitive advantage for our clients. And our team structure is fantastic, it helps buyers see homes fast, and never have a shortage of help from us. Having amazing buyer specialists also helps me as a team leader to be more available for our sellers. We love what we do and it shows!

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Jared Tye
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 0713620 (TX)
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