Nate Morris
Real Estate Agents

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Nate Morris
Real Estate Agents
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About Nate Morris
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Buyer representation
  • Property management
  • Relocation
  • Seller representation

My Bio

At Laker Real Estate Services our goal is provide comprehensive real estate solutions to a diverse client base. We seek to provide tailored solutions to every unique client or business. Some of our clients include...

1. Real Estate Investors: We identify, evaluate, and help investors acquire properties that align with their investment goals and vision. Our market expertise enables us to uncover hidden gems and negotiate favorable terms to maximize returns.

2. Landlords and Property Owners: Property ownership comes with its own set of challenges. Our property management services are designed to alleviate the stress of ownership, offering solutions for tenant placement, rent collection, maintenance coordination, and overall property optimization. We consistently keep the property full with good residents and identify improvements with the greatest ROI. This approach creates or increases cashflow, lowers operational expenses and forces appreciation.

3. Commercial Property Owners and Tenants: Whether you own commercial real estate or are seeking the perfect space for your business, we can help you. Our services cover leasing, sales, and property management for commercial properties. As a local Minneapolis/ Saint Paul business, we possess a deep understanding of the local market trends, zoning regulations, and the overall business landscape. The conveyance of our local knowledge helps our commercial clients make informed decisions of what will be best for them/ their business.

4. Home Buyers and Sellers. Whether you are a first time home buyer, an existing home owner looking to sell to upgrade or downsize we will tailor solutions to help you meet you goals. We provide our buyers with detailed property evaluations, comprehensive market insights, and clear communication throughout the entire home-buying process. For home sellers we utilize a very active and strategic approach which involves leveraging cutting-edge marketing techniques (designed to create the largest viewing audience possible), an in-depth market analysis, and skilled negotiation to position your property for maximum value.

5. Relocation Clients: If you're relocating to or from the Twin Cities metro area, we understand the challenges associated with the process. Our relocation assistance services aim to make your transition as smooth as possible, providing support in finding the ideal home or navigating the sale of your current property.

6. Senior Citizens: Recognizing the unique needs of our senior clients, we offer specialized services to support them in their real estate endeavors. Whether it's downsizing, finding a more accessible home, or exploring retirement community options, we are dedicated to providing compassionate guidance and ensuring a comfortable transition to the next chapter of life.

7. Clients seeking non traditional finance methods: At Laker Real Estate Services we proudly cater to a diverse range of clients, including buyers and sellers interested in exploring seller finance options or seller financed exit strategies. In the current market atmosphere where traditional financing comes with much higher interest rates, we understand the importance of non-traditional financing methods. In a high-interest-rate environment, securing lower interest rates through seller finance can be a game-changer. We specialize in crafting tailored solutions that meet the financial objectives of both buyers and sellers. By working with us, clients can explore creative financing options that may result in more favorable terms and lower interest rate costs compared to traditional/ conventional loans or financing.

8. Air Bnb/ Short term rental clients: We can help property owners turn their property into a a short term rental via Air Bnb or VRBO. We can help our clients navigate the intricacies of the short term rental market and provide an all in one solution just as with our normal property management clients.

Interview with Nate
What did you do before becoming a real estate agent? How did you decide to get into the industry?

I worked in corporate banking for a Big 5 bank as a loan analyst. My job was wiring around large amounts of money to some of the worlds largest companies who utilized different financing methods for short term loans. I got into real estate because both of my parents had worked in real estate industry. They were both realtors and construction aficionados as they fixed up their own investment properties in their spare time. I remember being being a child on a job site, watching and helping my parents fix up a house they still own until this day. I enjoyed being on the job site as a young child and this helped be develop a passion for real estate. Growing up in a world of contracts, blueprints and paint fumes, I soaked up the best of both financial wizardry and real estate magic. Now, armed with a mix of number-crunching skills and a knack for spotting a gem in a fixer-upper, I'm here to make your real estate journey as smooth as my dad's favorite paintbrush.

Have you ever faced any challenges in your current business?

The real estate industry is like a roller coaster with all the unexpected turns and twists you experience. You have to understand the local economy and national economy. I hold a bachelors of economics, an MBA and a PMP so I have a very strong business background and a deep understanding of challenges clients and businesses face on a daily basis. You have to be able to pivot quickly to keep your clients real estate dreams on track. Balancing all the responsibilities sometimes can feel like spinning plates, but instead of spinning plates your spinning peoples dreams and investments. It's a tricky, but highly rewarding process. A recent challenge everyone in the real estate industry has had to deal with is the fastest increase in interest rate increases in history. Luckily we saw interest rates increasing and a liquidity crunch ahead of time, which allowed us to warn and advise our clients to hunker down and prepare for the next step in the real estate business cycle. This has now led to beginning exploring alternative financing methods. Technology is ever changing and it's important to stay ahead of the curve instead of experiencing a lagging effect when it comes to learning the newest technologies. We embrace the latest tools and trends while focusing on personal connections which make real estate such a special business to be in. Challenges in real estate keep you on your toes but they build your experience level to where eventually nothing rattles or surprises you. Every challenge you encounter makes you stronger if you use it as a learning experience. Once you've experienced enough at a certain point the challenges don't feel like challenges, they just become the spices that makes the real estate journey so flavorful and fun.

How many brokerages have you worked with so far? What were the pros and cons of each brokerage you worked with?

I've only worked for one so I cannot comment on the pros and cons of other brokerages. I work for a small boutique brokerage where we're focused on efficiency. The setup of a smaller brokerage I feel allows for more of a personal connection with our clients. My clients know they're dealing with me for everything. When they want me they can easily contact me for things instead of dealing with multiple people for different processes/ tasks. I feel this setup allows me to give my clients the highest level of service and bang for their buck and that's what's important to me.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

I'm a dedicated lifelong learner, which is why my educational journey is ongoing. Recently, I proudly earned an MBA and PMP designations. I believe that the more knowledgeable real estate professionals are, the greater success their clients can achieve. I've had the privilege of assisting several investors in transforming their real estate businesses from struggling to flourishing in a short span. Witnessing people thrive in their business ventures and overall life is incredibly fulfilling for me. While the impact may not always come with a "formal" award, knowing that I've earned the hearts and minds of my clients is the most meaningful reward I could ask for.

What has the proudest moment of your career been so far?

It's hard to pinpoint a single moment, but if I had to choose, I'd say turning challenging situations or less-than-ideal investments into successful outcomes is a feat I've been able to replicate repeatedly. Each of these moments has been a source of pride for me.

What technology do you use in your business process to improve your customers’ experience?

The number of technologies would be too long to list fully but here is a list of 10 that we utilize on a daily basis... 1. CRM Software- to streamline communication/ processes 2. Property Management Software- there are free and paid versions we utilize 3. 3D Renderings and Virtual Tour Software 4. Data Analytics Tools- to help us analyze everything from trends to valuations to effectiveness of marketing campaigns 5. Professional Photo/ Video Hardware- Including drone hardware for arial views and fly through home tours 6. Movie Editing Software- to create mini-movies for marketing campaigns 7. Mobile Apps- property searches and client communication 8. Free and Paid Marketing Platforms- too many to list 9. Smart Home Technology- numeric codes locks instead of keyed entries, Ring doorbells/ cameras or other surveillance systems, smart thermostats or smart lighting 10. Online Payments Systems/ Portals- Free or paid options are both available.

How important do you think getting good online reviews is? How does this factor affect your business, and what effort do you put into receiving good reviews?

They significantly impact the reputation and establish trust. I haven't dedicated much effort to garnering them personally, but I'm confident I'd have more if I consistently asked for them. As with anything, consistency is key. Many platforms offer direct links that you can send to clients. You can also utilize NFC cards, programmable to provide a link to your business, making it easy to ask for reviews in person. You waive the card over their phone and it pops up a link directly to your business where all they have to do is just type in the review. The easier you make it for people to leave a review, the more likely they are to share their feedback.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

Tailored Just for You: We don't offer cookie-cutter solutions. We take the time to actively listen to our clients, learn about them and their families/ businesses to identify needs and wants. Whether it's finding that first home or a forever home, selling or leasing a property, or diving into the world of real estate investment, we are here to help from start to finish. Most other competitors complete a purchase or sale transaction and then leave you with other third party companies to fill in the gaps. A True One-Stop Real Estate Shop: Forget the hassle of juggling dozens of contacts and multiple third party companies to satisfy all of your real estate needs. We've got it all under one roof – from traditional realtor services to property management and even creative financing options. It's like having your real estate needs wrapped up in a neat tidy, stress-free package. We're Local, Like Your Favorite Coffee Shop: We know the Twin Cities Metro like the back of our hand. We're not just real estate professionals, we're your friendly neighborhood guide. We'll help you navigate the ins and outs of the local market and ensure you feel right at home. We will even buy you coffee along the way! We're the Trendsetters in Marketing Magic: Selling? Previously when selling homes realtors could get away with a very passive marketing approach.... stick a sign in your yard, take some pictures, stick your home on the MLS and do an open house and viola, they're all done. This passive approach isn't acceptable to us because it doesn't maximize your homes sales price. We use a very active marketing approach. Our marketing game is strong, we use the latest technology tricks to create the largest possible audience for your home. We actually create custom unique mini-movies of your property to help draw in more potential buyers and create a captivated audience. We will also put our own money up (budget depends on potential sales price) to help you market your property because we believe we are in partnership with our clients and we are invested in their success and achieving their desired outcomes. Negotiation Wizards: Getting what you want is an art, and we've mastered the art of the deal. Whether it's securing the best deal for your dream home, maximizing your property's value, or crafting unique financing solutions, we're your behind-the-scenes negotiators. We Speak Human: Real estate can be a jungle of jargon. We promise no confusing lingo – just straight talk. We use clear, consistent communication every step of the way, making sure you're always in control and confident in your decisions. Problem-Solving Superheroes: Where others see roadblocks, we see opportunities. We're not afraid of challenges. We're not afraid of collaborating with others. We tackle issues head-on, ensuring that your real estate journey is as smooth as sipping your favorite drink on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Choosing us means choosing more than a real estate service; it means choosing a team of dedicated individuals who genuinely care about making your experience not just successful but downright enjoyable.

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Nate Morris
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