Pennybag Property Management
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Pennybag Property Management
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About Pennybag Property Management
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We offer many real estate services including purchasing, home repair, marketing homes for buyers, and selling homes. Our mission at Pennybag Property Management, LLC is to give families a good, clean, safe, affordable home to raise their families.

We also work with families’ specific needs and dreams of home ownership. Pennybag Properties works with tenants to get their credit in shape so they can purchase a home for themselves.

Our goal, in addition to finding each client the right property, is to educate them about the Milwaukee real estate market. We provide knowledgeable information for both real estate buyers and real estate sellers.

Interview with Pennybag Property Management
What did you do before creating your company?

I was a superintendent of a construction company. At this company, I started as a laborer. I worked my way up the corporate latter becoming a pipe layer, then pipe layer foreman, next to an operator foreman, to a superintendent leading and overseeing 3-4 crews on large/medium scale projects. Working directly with the company owner, masterminding the growth of the company by bringing costs down and profits up, and bidding on large/medium scale jobs. At this point, I was also buying single-family houses that needed total renovation for long-term rental homes. I brought in a handful of employees to complete this work.

How did you decide to get into the industry?

I was working my superintendent job as well as building a rental real estate portfolio by purchasing, planning, and overseeing rehab projects, budgets, finding clients to rent our homes, signing leases with the clients, and keeping all the projects progressing forward.

Have you ever faced any challenges in your current business?

Struggles come in many forms and are later understood as gifts in life. In any growing company, struggles come as needing more products to help more customers, finding quality employees that do the inside (hidden work) to provide additional quality housing for our clients, handling the daily operations of maintenance and repairs to homes, and keeping the mechanical's in the homes operating efficiently.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

We have received awards for Best Property Managers in Milwaukee for several years. However, our goal is to help as many families in the greater Milwaukee area with a quality home to raise their families and create lifelong memories in. Each client we help, whether they are new or have been with us for many years, means much more to us than any award.

What has the proudest moment of your career been so far?

These moments come in a timeline and are consistently made each week/month. Helping our clients with quality homes to raise their families and make life long memories in, or helping a family that is in a struggling situation by purchasing their home to save their credit and dignity, as well as working/leading the group of people at Pennybag PM who make this entire system function and grow.

What technology do you use in your business process to improve your customers’ experience?

We use state-of-the-art technology in the day-to-day operations at Pennybag PM. However, we live by a motto discovered long ago in the business world, Relationships.

How important do you think getting good online reviews is?

Quality reviews are essential to every business. They allow others to see the results of your team and the quality of work your team performs.

How does this factor affect your business, and what effort do you put into receiving good reviews?

Our clients/customers are very important to us.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

At Pennybag PM, our rental homes and commercial properties stand above our competitors as we understand the internals of these properties and not just what people can see from the outside. Make sure when we start any relationship we are giving our clients what they would expect from a quality rental unit. Plumbing, electrical, windows, doors, and roofs functioning properly as well as nicely updated bathrooms and kitchens. When clients walk into our homes and commercial units we are typically greeted with the same responses, WOW, Beautiful, Looks just like the pictures, it is so clean, it smells nice in here. When we start any project, we start with the end picture in mind, giving our clients a good, safe, and clean home to make family memories in, or a great commercial property for our clients to run their businesses at.

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