Phillip Ganguly
Real Estate Agents

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Phillip Ganguly
Real Estate Agents
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About Phillip Ganguly
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Buyer representation
  • Concierge real estate
  • Exclusive buyers services
  • First time home buyers
  • Foreclosures (buyer representation)
  • Foreclosures (seller representation)
  • Land seller representation
  • Luxury properties
  • Mobile/manufactured homes
  • New construction buyer representation
  • New construction seller representation
  • Probate properties
  • Relocation
  • Seller representation
  • Short sales

My Bio

Phillip is truly, one in the whole world! He possesses the skills in order to competently and efficiently help his clients. He never takes the easy path, enjoys a challenge and possesses the mandatory skills needed to be successful. The Real Estate world is lucky to have an individual like Phillip. He always puts his clients' interests ahead of his own. He has dedication, passion and heart.

Phillip is notorious for helping his clients in ways never thought possible. If you aren't having the best day- he will turn it around! He is honest, patient, has integrity, incomparable knowledge within the buying and selling processes, extremely responsive, market knowledge, tenacity, excellent communication and negotiation skills, people and technical skills- just to name a few. He has the type of personality where he believes he needs to make a difference. This is a wonderful personality trait because it allows him to make the right choices across all areas of his life and even with his clients. He truly wants to change the way you feel about real estate!

Phillip loves to help people understand this industry as well as he does. He has a strong passion in educating people. He takes pride in helping people and making his clients as knowledgeable as he is. Phillip strongly believes in knowledge being power. Furthermore, he believes in empowerment- he is constantly empowering his buyers and sellers and giving them the confidence, they need to make the right decisions.

In Phillip's free time he enjoys everything that Colorado has to offer. He enjoys swimming, riding bicycles, hiking, running, weightlifting, playing lacrosse, snowboarding (weather permitting of course!), fishing, and anything he can get his hands on! There isn't any activity Phillip doesn't like-if you find one please let us know! If you take the time to show him why you like something, he will always see it through your eyes and enjoy it too! You are not only making a professional relationship with him, but a lifelong friend.

Phillip comes from a background where things were not just given to him, but through hard work and perseverance he learned that he can do anything. Phillip is a well-rounded individual. He has traveled a lot and enjoys sharing his experiences with hopes of inspiring people to travel.

Phillip's long-term goal within real estate is to achieve his vision of equality. His vision is to create a place that helps people with disabilities and provides housing to those who are less fortunate than others. Through education and understanding, he believes he can clean up the cities of Denver and make it to where no person is left to fend for themselves. He wants to create a building in downtown that houses people that require help whatever their reason may be. He wants to have a program to help people get to where they want to go. Phillip volunteers continuously at the Denver Rescue Mission and is heartbroken by the living conditions in which people are forced to live in. One day Phillip believes he will achieve his dream of equality among everyone because in his eyes everyone deserves the best!

Give Phillip a chance to show you how you can enjoy the home buying/selling process! He wants to reinvent the way you feel about real estate!

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Concierge real estate services

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Concierge real estate agent

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First time home buyers agent

Foreclosure/REO buyers agent

Foreclosure/REO listing agent

Land sales realtor

Luxury/high end real estate agent

Mobile/manufactured home realtor

New construction buyers agent

New construction sales agent

Probate real estate agent

Relocation realtor

Listing agent

Short sale realtor

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Phillip Ganguly
Real Estate Agents
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