PowerHouse Buyers
Real Estate Investors

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PowerHouse Buyers
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About PowerHouse Buyers
Year Founded


We run 2 operations.

1. I am a mentor providing other real estate investors with ethical non-intrusive ways to generate leads through in-house developed ranking and conversion strategies. The people we serve here are other investors or aspiring investors. The entire market is saturated with mentors teaching others to apply unethical and intrusive ways to generate leads. Yet one can not target motivated sellers because no one knows when or if someone becomes motivated. Motivated sellers take it upon themselves to find a solution to their problem. They don't sit and wait till someone sends them a mailer, call or text.

2.. We are house buyers, wholesalers, and long-term and short-term rental investors. Motivated sellers benefit from our services by being able to sell their house fast at a reasonable price without having to deal with the lengthy traditional house-selling procedures.

Interview with PowerHouse Buyers
Where did the idea to start the company come from?

I was/am an eternal student. After about 15 years in college (graduating 5 times,) and not having an income (as an international student on a student visa not being allowed to work), the only way I could make ends meet is by renting the biggest house I could possibly find, and... (shhh) without the owner knowing, renting out rooms to fellow students., I ended up with a profit at the end of each month. But this didn't cause the creation of our business. After graduating, I ended up working for a company called IHMC (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition) a robotics research institute that researches human capabilities using robotic technologies. This landed me a gig as NASA as a robotics scientist, and mom was so proud. NASA lost funding, and just in time I received my green card. A friend of mine that I got to know through research in robotics for a project we were working on making paraplegic people walk again with the use of an exoskeleton robot, we became really close. Not hard to imagine a bond growing between us as I enabled him to walk again. We had many trials to face to make it happen and we became close. After NASA lost funding for hardware, he was left standing with empty promises of making this technology available to the market for him to be able to walk again. So I decided to take things into my own hands. I wanted to help him but I needed a substantial amount of money. Here is where I remembered during my college days that I rented out rooms. What if I could scale it up? I thought I invented a brilliant idea of getting rich by buying houses cheap, fixing them up, and either selling them at a profit or renting out the rooms. Sadly, that already existed long before me.. It is called, “Real Estate Investing” Shucks!

What challenges have you overcome to get where you are now and how?

MY ACCENT! Credibility is a HUGE thing in this space. With everyone wanting to be a wholesaler, everyone making lowball offers, and everyone signing contracts left and right then canceling the contract when they can't find a buyer, this space has a horrible reputation because mentors simply teach this wrong. I have had a ton of rude comments and remarks when I pick up the phone and the seller just does not believe me I am a genuine home buyer because I sound like a foreigner. For everyone else, the challenge is finding motivated sellers actually willing to sell their house at a fair value. Nope, not us. We mastered lead generation. For us it is something as trivial as an accent.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

We have not received any awards. We don't expose ourselves that way. We love flipping houses and we have fun helping others. We create HGTV-like house flipping episodes and that is what we care about.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

We have helped over 3000 other real estate investors become financially free, and a ton of sellers get the cash they needed. The personal messages we get, invites to dinners, heartwarming.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

We literally can offer our own cash, not borrowed money which makes our services far more reliable than other options. Secondly, we offer virtual walkthroughs so there is no need to actually schedule an appointment. This speed and reliability is what motivated sellers are after. When it comes to motivated sellers, it is usually not the money they are after. They are after speed and reliability. As the nation’s expert in lead generation for real estate investors, a lot of research went into this to not only provide us and our students with high-quality leads, but primarily, we genuinely understand motivated sellers and with this, we can truly help them and provide actual relevant intentional value to our home sellers. I truly think this is what sets us apart. For us profits are important but our clients' satisfaction is not secondary.

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