Samantha Mulkey
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 6501436058 (MI)

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Samantha Mulkey
Real Estate Agents
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About Samantha Mulkey
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Buyer representation
  • Exclusive buyers services
  • First time home buyers
  • Land seller representation
  • Relocation
  • Seller representation
  • Waterfront properties

My Bio

As a small child, I remember day dreaming of all sorts of houses. Some were tree houses, some were underground, and some had secret passageways. As I got older, the day dreaming matured to just bigger houses and different types of floor plans... okay, maybe I'm still dreaming of secret passageways! The point is, I have always loved real estate even before I knew what it was. So, when my best friend introduced me to the idea of this "Dream Job", I became really excited! I could not wait to help buyers find their next "Dream Home"!

My name is Samantha Mulkey. My husband and I have been married for almost 15 years and have two beautiful daughters. We love to hang out and watch movies, have backyard BBQ's and bonfires, and go shopping! We have lived in the same town almost all of our lives. We have watched our community go from thriving, to struggling, and now back up and coming. Since becoming a Realtor, I am able to help my community to continue flourishing! My passion is to help people, so this is truly a "Dream Job" for me!

I have been working in my local community for 19 years and have gotten to know a lot of people. Most of my career has been in sales. I have won several awards; including one for sales increase, and another for sales volume. I'm not afraid to get out of my comfort zone and work hard to reach my goals!

"Samantha is someone who sets goals and pursues them to completion. She is willing to put in the work to become successful."

~Susan B.; Albion, MI

In addition to my busy real estate career, you may find me on the worship team or working security at my church... maybe even hopping on a plane headed out of the country for a mission's trip!

At Exit Great Lakes Realty, we have been serving our clients since 2009. We are located in downtown Charlotte and service clients with both buying and selling all across the Mid-Michigan area. We follow the example set by Exit Realty Corp. International, the only National Brand created after the internet age, which has reinvented real estate by providing a high-tech, high-touch philosophy that always puts people first. We follow the values of family and community throughout our agent base.

"Samantha is a loyal hard worker. She will do what she has promised and what she thinks is right over personal comfort or ease."

~Tibor S.; Olivet, MI

As a small child, I remember day dreaming of all sorts of houses. Some were tree houses, some were underground, and some had secret passageways. As I got older, the day dreaming matured to just bigger houses and different types of floor plans... okay, maybe I'm still dreaming of secret passageways! The point is, I have always loved real estate even before I knew what it was. So, when my best friend introduced me to the idea of this "Dream Job", I became really excited! I could not wait to help buyers find their next "Dream Home"!

My name is Samantha Mulkey. My husband and I have been married for almost 15 years and have two beautiful daughters. We love to hang out and watch movies, have backyard BBQ's and bonfires, and go shopping! We have lived in the same town almost all of our lives. We have watched our community go from thriving, to struggling, and now back up and coming. Since becoming a Realtor, I am able to help my community to continue flourishing! My passion is to help people, so this is truly a "Dream Job" for me!

I have been working in my local community for 19 years and have gotten to know a lot of people. Most of my career has been in sales. I have won several awards; including one for sales increase, and another for sales volume. I'm not afraid to get out of my comfort zone and work hard to reach my goals!

"Samantha is someone who sets goals and pursues them to completion. She is willing to put in the work to become successful."

~Susan B.; Albion, MI

In addition to my busy real estate career, you may find me on the worship team or working security at my church... maybe even hopping on a plane headed out of the country for a mission's trip!

At Exit Great Lakes Realty, we have been serving our clients since 2009. We are located in downtown Charlotte and service clients with both buying and selling all across the Mid-Michigan area. We follow the example set by Exit Realty Corp. International, the only National Brand created after the internet age, which has reinvented real estate by providing a high-tech, high-touch philosophy that always puts people first. We follow the values of family and community throughout our agent base.

"Samantha is a loyal hard worker. She will do what she has promised and what she thinks is right over personal comfort or ease."

~Tibor S.; Olivet, MI

I would LOVE to help you with all of your real estate needs!

Please call me at 517-499-0566

Or text "buyorlistwithsam" to 85377 for my Mobile Business Card.

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Residential relocation

Property selling

Full service home selling

Property buying

Home buying

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Buyer's agent

Exclusive buyers agent

First time home buyers agent

Land sales realtor

Relocation realtor

Listing agent

Waterfront properties agent

No specialty found.
Samantha Mulkey
Real Estate Agents
Lic.# : 6501436058 (MI)
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