Tristate Holdings 167, Inc.
Real Estate Investors

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Tristate Holdings 167, Inc.
Real Estate Investors
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About Tristate Holdings 167, Inc.
Year Founded
  • Cash buying
  • Home rehab and flipping
  • Mobile & manufactured home park
  • Note buying
  • Real estate development
  • Short sales


We are a group of real estate investor cash buyers who acquire properties across the country. Our company assists homeowners in need of selling their homes quickly. Whether due to a divorce, job loss, inheritance of unwanted property, loss of a family member, costly repairs, financial difficulties, or relocation to another state, we provide support to many sellers facing challenging circumstances.

Interview with Tristate Holdings 167, Inc.
Where did the idea to start the company come from?

For more than 25 years, I've worked as an insurance broker, collaborating with union organizations of diverse scales. In 2019, a friend who happened to be a real estate attorney introduced me to real estate investing. We entered into a joint venture on a deal, and the resulting profit sparked my interest in the real estate business. Following my initial successful deal, I embarked on seeking further opportunities within the NYC metropolitan area, only to discover intense competition vying for the same inventory. Seeking a consistent flow of deals became my objective, prompting me to venture into other states and cities in search of additional inventory ranging from Indiana to Maine. Despite it usually takes two flips out of state to match the yield of one within the NYC metro area, we continuously pursue deals, diversifying our focus beyond the boroughs of NYC or Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York.

What challenges have you overcome to get where you are now and how?

Transitioning into real estate investing from just knowing the insurance industry presented its own set of challenges. Initially, there was a steep learning curve as I familiarized myself with the intricacies of the various markets by city and state, property evaluation, financing options, and legal aspects of each jurisdiction. Additionally, breaking into the industry amidst established players required plenty of patience and strategic networking within my inner circle to identify lucrative opportunities and form valuable partnerships. However, with determination and a willingness to learn, I overcame these challenges. Investing in real estate has not only diversified my portfolio but also provided a new avenue for growth and wealth accumulation. By leveraging my existing network and expertise in negotiations and risk management from my insurance background, I was able to navigate the complexities of real estate transactions more effectively.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

My most significant achievement has been assisting those in a financial crisis who urgently needed to sell their home for fast cash infusion. Being able to provide support during such a challenging period in their life, enabling them to move forward, has brought me profound satisfaction.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

The proudest moment of my career in real estate investing was when I successfully closed my first deal that derived from my marketing efforts to homeowners. This marked not only a significant personal achievement but also a validation of the hard work, dedication, and perseverance I had invested in transitioning into the real estate industry. Seeing the tangible results of my marketing efforts and witnessing the positive impact on my financial goals has been gratifying.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

We have empathy and thrive to provide solutions for those facing sudden and urgent needs like selling their home fast. Life can present unexpected challenges such as unexpected bills or medical expenses, divorce, or an abrupt relocation. In such times of urgency, we offer a swift solution by purchasing houses promptly. We prioritize fairness in our offers, ensuring that individuals in need are not taken advantage of. We understand the burden that home ownership can sometimes bring. For example inherited properties, along with their associated bills, maintenance, and upkeep, can become overwhelming. Selling quickly can be a relief, and we facilitate this process, often closing within a few weeks. Our operations not only benefit sellers but also contribute to local job opportunities. We engage contractors, electricians, plumbers, attorneys, real estate agents, and community members in our endeavors. As advocates of the American economy, we prioritize materials made in the USA, thereby fostering job growth and supporting local industries. While we purchase houses of various conditions, we take particular delight in revitalizing dilapidated properties. Through our rehabilitation efforts, we transform these homes into stunning residences, ultimately enhancing the value of surrounding properties and beautifying neighborhoods.

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Construction & development

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Property buying

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Cash house buyer

House rehabber and flipper

Mobile & manufactured home park investor

Real estate note buying

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Short sale investor

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Tristate Holdings 167, Inc.
Real Estate Investors
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