Anand Rangarej
Real Estate Agents

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Anand Rangarej
Real Estate Agents
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About Anand Rangarej
Years of Experience
  • English
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Kannada
  • Marathi
  • Spanish
  • Buyer representation
  • First time home buyers
  • Investment properties

My Bio

We serve all kinds of clients around metro Atlanta area - Buyers, Sellers and Investors alike. For us client satisfaction is the top priority. As home owners ourselves, we understand the stress a new home owner, or a repeat buyer goes through. Buying or selling a home is not an easy task, a little miscommunication or a small mistake can make or break a deal and buyers or sellers may have to go through a lot of emotional, financial and mental stress. Home buying or selling is a overwhelming process, that is why we guide our clients in the entire process by understanding their financial situation, their personal situation and their needs and wants to get them the best from the transaction. As a Buyer's agent, we help Buyers to find the best home they wish to be in, the best price they can afford the home at, and the best terms of the transaction to save them money. As a seller's agent we try to find the best Buyer for their listing, try to get the top dollar value for their home, and best terms in their favor. As a investor's agent, we try to get the best investment property the buyer wishes to own, a property that can give them best value for their investment, and a property that gives long term gains to their investment. We do a lot of research and analysis of the local housing market, current trends in home designs, and current financial market that helps us determine the right property for the right client at the right price. We work with our clients through the entire life cycle of the home buying and selling process, right from the time of listing or finding a home until closing , answering each and every questions and doubts they have, guiding them in each and every step of the process for a smooth closure. After all, buying or selling is a biggest decision of one’s life, getting timely, accurate, and useful information to make an informed decision can make a huge difference in their life, and we just do that for our clients.

Interview with Anand
What did you do before becoming a real estate agent? How did you decide to get into the industry?

I have been working in the IT industry for over two decades. However, real estate has been my passion. I have been fascinated with the idea of discovering land, planning houses on the land and building dream homes. At the same time, I'm a people person and very social. I love meeting new people, knowing their cultural backgrounds, understanding their thoughts and ideas. I believe Real Estate industry is one such avenue where I can achieve all of the things I love to do. Not only can I meet varied people , but I can help them get their dream houses. My long term target will be to build affordable dream homes for people. Several years back I started researching on homes and housing market, and developed more interest in this field and that is when I decided I will get into it to help people with the knowledge I have gained over the years. I also saw the industry lacked quality Real Estate agents that can guide and share useful knowledge to their clients to make informed decisions, I decided to help my clients with enough information about the market and homes that will help them make better decisions. It has been few years and now it is no looking back.

Have you ever faced any challenges in your current business?

Establishing myself as a new Real Estate agent among many experienced real estate agents already in the market was the biggest challenge for me when I started. Another big challenge was to find clients for Business. As a new Agent , people are hesitant to give business to a new agent, as home buying and selling is a risky and expensive affair if not handled well and many people are hesitant to go with a new Real estate agent. It was hard to find my first client for my business. Gaining confidence of the customers as a new Agent was another tough challenge initially, Thanks to my circle of influence and friends for their trust , I was able to build the confidence in my customers soon. Retaining clients is yet another challenge in Real Estate industry, especially because of the immense competition in the field. As a new agent, if you are not able to convince the client on the subject, you are at risk of losing the client to a competitor. In a sellers market, when the inventory is low and demand on houses is high, the other challenge is to win a deal for the client among several competing offers in a multiple offer scenario. This has been other big challenge, especially as a new agent. When market was slowing down because of low demand for houses affected by higher interest rates, selling houses was another challenge. Also, dealing with some tough Buyers with unreasonable expectations is another challenge. Convincing Seller about the right price to market the house is a different challenge on the Seller's side, as some sellers expect to sell much higher even when the data does not support listing it at a higher price.

How many brokerages have you worked with so far? What were the pros and cons of each brokerage you worked with?

Just one brokerage so far. Pros: Low flat fees per transaction, low admin fees, friendly staff, positive work environment. Cons: Customer support is not so good, Back office is offshore so communications are delayed. Not so popular brokerage like other national brokerages. Phone support is very difficult to get, most of the support happens via email to the customer support.

What are the awards, professional achievements, and accomplishments you have received?

Top Producer award 2022; Top Producer NE Atlanta June 2023; Top Producer (Volume) NE Atlanta Aug 2023; Top Producer(Transaction and Volume) NE Atlanta Quarter 3 2023

What has the proudest moment of your career been so far?

The fact that I was able to establish myself in this competitive industry as one of the top producing Real Estate Agent for my broker, starting newly and quickly becoming one of the most sought after agents among many other highly experienced Realtors was the proudest moment for me.

What technology do you use in your business process to improve your customers’ experience?

MLS and all the added services it provides for the Realtors to get market insights, competitive market analysis is one of the top tool I use. Apart from this, CRM tool to market and customer follow up is another. I also use Social media(Facebook and Instagram) to promote the business. Likewise, I use Google to market, get reviews from past clients which helps in growing the business. However, the biggest tool is our circle of influence, our network of friends and existing clients that bring us the most business.

How important do you think getting good online reviews is? How does this factor affect your business, and what effort do you put into receiving good reviews?

In my personal opinion getting online reviews is one of the most important tool to promote Business. Getting honest, transparent and valuable reviews not only fosters business but also gives lot of confidence to other new customers who are in market for home buying and selling. A good review establishes confidence in new Buyers and Sellers about the business based on the past client's experience. Online reviews also help reach more people in this connected world of internet which is not possible with person to person communication. When you have a strong presence on the web, you can not only reach the local market but also customers out of state who are looking to move to the local market, and having good online reviews definitely boosts the confidence of such Buyers to reach out to you for Business.

What are the primary advantages your clients get when choosing you over your competitors?

My team is a people person team. We try to understand the needs and emotions of our clients in their home search. The first thing that we do for our client is to put ourselves in their shoes and see what house would fit best for us when we buy, monetarily, and in terms of livability. Unless we find the house good in terms of cost and living, we do not recommend it for our clients. Likewise as a Seller's agent we try to see how we cn benefit best from the transaction. We let customer decide their liking for the house, but guide them in other aspects that can impact them in long run such as security, resale value etc. Cost is number one driver in decision making, be it to buy or to sell. As a buyer's agent, we negotiate to get the best price for the house for our buyers. We do our best to negotiate with the sellers to get better terms of transaction, any add-ons we can ask from the Seller, such as complimentary furniture, any personal property that can be added to the sale etc. Likewise for the Sellers we try to negotiate the best terms that can favor the Seller. My team is quick and responsive to client queries, and we try to answer their questions within minutes or hours. We guide our clients in each and every step of the home sale process, be it for Buying or Selling. we work closely with inspectors, appraisers, lenders and the closing attorney to make sure there is no delay in communications and all the steps in the transaction are carried on smoothly. We provide honest, transparent and up-to date analysis of the housing market so that our clients can make a educated and informed decision in Home buying or selling. We never let our Buyers pay more for a house that is not worth higher price, nor do we let our Sellers get less than what their house is worth in the market. We are true friends to our clients to help them in their home buying and selling journey.

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