5 Creative Real Estate Agent Email Signature Examples that Generate Leads in 2024

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The majority of real estate agents spend a lot of time creating listings and portfolios, following up with leads, and establishing an online presence. Much effort is made to improve personal branding and advertising.

Today, many potential clients, especially millennials, prefer to be contacted via email. And that is a good thing. Every time we send an email, we get a chance to promote ourselves or our brands. Real estate industry professionals are no different in that.

When the competition on the market is severe, as a real estate agent, you can’t neglect a single opportunity to promote yourself, your listings, portfolio, webinars, offline events, whatever.

While you don’t want to be annoying “pushing” your services in every email, you need to look for some subtle yet efficient ways of promotion via email. Email signature marketing is one of them.

In this blog post, we will talk about real estate email signatures and the most important elements that top-producing real estate agents who are knowledgeable about marketing intricacies include in their email sign-offs.


Why Do Real Estate Agents Use Email Signatures in Every Email?

There is a simple reason why many realtors include professional email signatures in every email they send — because they generate leads.

On top of that, a well-designed email footer can do the following things:

  1. Help the recipients get your contact information quickly
  2. Direct people to your recent or best content (like a blog post, YouTube video, new listings, etc.)
  3. Drive traffic to your blog/site, social profiles, and your email list
  4. Give readers a link to schedule a meeting with you
  5. Make your emails more “human.”

If you have no real estate email signature yet, or it doesn’t work the way it should, it’s time to fix that.

You can either create/revamp it yourself, using purpose-built tools in some of the popular graphic design software, use dedicated email signature generator apps or delegate the task to experts to do it for you.


5 Basic Tips for Creating a Realtor Email Signature

1. Add your photo and/or logo

One of the common barriers that realtors face when dealing with prospects is the trust issue. Adding a headshot in an email signature can increase the trust factor and response rate by up to 20% as it gives your signature a nice personal touch.

If you also want to strengthen your brand, you might need to add your company logo.

You shouldn’t worry about exceeding maximum email size (10 MB as a general rule, according to Mailtrap) with email signatures, as most of the generators store your images online. So, a signature does not affect how many megabytes your email takes in the inbox.


2. Add the job title, company name, license number, etc.

When adding a job title and company name, consider providing your educational or niche expertise for extra credibility and relevance. For instance, your title can look the following way: “Residential real estate agent,” “Commercial real estate agent,” “CA real estate agent,” and so on.


3. Provide additional contact details

Provide at least three ways for your prospective clients to get in touch with you. These might be your office phone number, mobile, and Skype. However, keep in mind that having too many contact details in your real estate email signature template can cause clutter and confusion. We also suggest that you don’t provide your email address, as recipients know where to find the reply button.


4. Use different CTAs

If your recipients read your email far enough and reach your email signature, chances are they are interested in learning more about what you have to offer. At this point, you can help them take the next step by adding a prominent call to action (CTA) to your email signature. Some common CTAs realtors use in email signatures include “View properties,” “Schedule a visit,” “Call us,” “Let’s chat,” and more.


5. Add social media profiles

If you are one of those proactive realtors who regularly promote listings through social media channels like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or others, you should add social icons to your email signature. We suggest you stick to five social icons as a maximum. If you use more, they can make your email footer look cluttered and distract recipients.


5 Examples of the Best Lead Generating Email Signatures for Realtors

Now that you know what to add in your realtor email signature, you can create one for yourself. The good news is that you don’t have to code or design anything. There are many handy email signature generator apps for that.

To help you get some inspiration, I have collected five best examples of lead-generating realtor email signatures. Let’s analyze them in detail to show how their components work to efficiently generate leads.


Real Estate Email Signature Example #1

Promote your listings or website with banners and CTA buttons.

In this example below, Marissa Higgins, a real estate agent, chose to put a prominent call to action at the bottom of her email signature so potential prospects could get in touch with her in one click. The bright orange-colored CTA quickly catches the recipient’s attention.

realtor email signature 2

When you look at the next example, you will notice how wisely Krystal used the valuable space in her signature. She put what people want the most — a link to a YouTube video showing a private villa with a fantastic view.

realtor email signature 3


Real Estate Email Signature Example #2

Highlight your social media profiles.

In this elegant email signature below, real estate agent Christie Manning includes hyperlinked icons for every social channel where she is active. This provides a simple way to find out where potential clients can connect with her on social media. This can help her build a bigger following, which in turn can get her more potential customers.

realtor email signature 4


Real Estate Email Signature Example #3

Include customer reviews.

As you can see in the example below, the bottom of your email signature could also be an ideal location to point email recipients towards your positive reviews from customers. It is a good reminder that you are not just bragging about being a professional real estate agent; you can prove that you are everything you say you are.

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Real Estate Email Signature Example #4

Include a calendar link.

Realtors might want to include links to a calendar which is great for highlighting upcoming events or letting customers book the time on a realtor’s schedule.

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Real Estate Email Signature Example #5

Include the value proposition.

A bright call to action “Find office with an amazing view” shows readers how they will benefit from Robert’s services and invites them to book a meeting with him.

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If you want to see more examples of lead-generating email signatures, you can find plenty of cool examples at Newoldstamp.com.


Final Words

So, what have we learned?

Your email signature is a good marketing opportunity. Being one of the important elements of your email, it significantly contributes to forming the first impression of you as a professional. Whether you are emailing a new customer or getting back to the existing one, your email footer should grab attention, inform, and tell people what they need to do next.

If your email signature doesn’t work the way it should, block off 20 minutes now to refresh it. That doesn’t take much effort but pays major dividends.



About the author

Nick Hladush is a passionate content marketing manager at Newoldstamp. He has been working in digital marketing for more than 5 years creating top-notch digital content and promoting it with social networks, SEO techniques, and pure creativity.

If you too want to contribute your expert advice on a topic of your expertise, feel free to apply to our Expert Contributor Program.

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