Taylor Adams’ Success Story

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As a part of our exclusive Real Estate Investor Success Stories series, we spotlight inspiring stories of the most successful real estate investors in the industry!

In today’s issue, we’re going to highlight the fascinating story of a highly successful real estate investor in Massachusetts — Ms. Taylor Adams.

Taylor is the Owner of JT Adams Properties, a real estate investing firm in Boston, MA.

Taylor’s impressive achievements:

  • closes up to 5 deals per month
  • earns up to $500k of annual net profit
  • is proficient in short- and long-term rentals, BRRRR, creative financing, and flipping
  • has been in business for over 5 years

Read Taylor’s success story below to learn how she got to where she is today. We hope Taylor’s story inspires you and serves as a stepping stone for your own real estate investing career.


What led you to start investing in real estate?

What led you to start investing in real estate

I started by accident! I was working in Boston and needed to live close to the city, so when we were looking for our first home, we decided to buy a multifamily home so we could split the housing cost with our tenants.

I had no idea this was a type of investing called House Hack! I was then hooked.

I realized that in my corporate life, I had very little control over my career trajectory, salary growth, or time. This led to the interest in achieving financial freedom with real estate.


What challenges did you face at the beginning of your real estate investment career?

Not knowing what you don’t know. There is SO much info out there but also not a lot of direction.

Additionally, lack of support. Most people around us felt real estate investing was risky and though it came from a good place, they discouraged us from pursuing it.


What helped you to overcome those challenges?

Realizing that we had to blaze our own path to achieve financial freedom, and the goals we had for our family were the most important.

So, we leaned heavily into networking with other like-minded people!


What was the most stressful challenge you had to overcome during your career?

The transitions. Every time you are trying a new strategy, entering a new stage, etc., it’s hard and you need to work really hard on your mindset.


What has been the most rewarding part of your career?

The most rewarding thing has been being able to free up time and space to spend with my family and also teaching other women how they, too, can achieve financial freedom!


What lead generation strategy have you found to be the most effective for your business?

We tend to utilize the Massachusetts MLS but lean heavily into our network, as well as relationships with real estate agents and lenders.

Find more suggestions of the best real estate investor lead generation software reviewed by Real Estate Bees.

— Kimberly Anderson, Senior Creative Editor at Real Estate Bees

What essential software tools do you use in your investing business that you can’t live without?

AirDNA, Rabbu, Hospitable, Turno, Airbnb, Vrbo, QuickBooks.


What software tools did you try using in your investing business but found them not useful?

We’ve tried many real estate investment tools and I wouldn’t say they weren’t useful. It was just too many tools at once and we wanted to run more lean.


Can you recommend one or more training programs/courses that catapulted your business to the next level?

Can you recommend one or more training programs courses that catapulted your business to the next level

Not any one program, but definitely lean into networking through Meetup. This is where the biggest part of our education happened.

Find more suggestions of the best real estate investment courses, multifamily investing classes, rental property investment courses, and courses on flipping houses reviewed by Real Estate Bees.

— Kimberly Anderson, Senior Creative Editor at Real Estate Bees

Can you recommend one or more must-read books that have greatly impacted your business?

Can you recommend one or more must-read books that have greatly impacted your business

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett, Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances.

Find more suggestions of the best real estate investing books reviewed by Real Estate Bees.

— Kimberly Anderson, Senior Creative Editor at Real Estate Bees

Can you share any funny or unusual anecdotes from your career?

Everyday is an adventure. Whether that be our first-ever guest driving through the front of our house, or a guest trying to remove smoke alarms while there is smoke in the house!


What is your advice to newbies who are just starting out in their real estate investing career?

Don’t wait until you’re ready. Start today!

Network as much as possible, and surround yourself with like-minded people.


If you also want to share your real estate investing success story with the thousands of Real Estate Bees’ readers nationwide, apply here. It’s absolutely free!

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